Kerski-Korsu, M
- Sensing the Polycrisis: Artistic Approach to Walking as Ritualisation, Journal of Finnish Anthropological Society (In press).
- Walking with Permafrost Microbial Communities: Artistic Proposals to Encounter the Leaking Messiness of the Melting Worlds, Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology 2023, Venice, Italy (In press).
Nikki, L
- Lindsay Campbell, Chris Fremantle, David Maddox, Erika Svensen, Sarah Hines, Mary Mattingly, Matthew Lopez-Jensen, Nikki Lindt, Liza Paqueo, and Michelle Johnson. Transdisciplinary and arts-centeredapproaches to stewardship and sustainability of urban nature, Landscape Research, 2024
Exhibitions and Perfromences
Kerski-Korsu, M
- Walks in the Steam of Cryosphere, Earth Gazes Back, PhotoNorth, Oulu, Finland.
- Walks in the Steam of Cryosphere, Hanaholmen galleri, Hanaholmen Art and Culture Centre, Espoo, Finland.
- Cryospheric Steams Repository, GIFTS/PRESENTS/PRESENCE, Cable Factory, Helsinki, Finland.
Van Duppen, J
- Listening Walks, Participative listening walks in Arctic and urban environments,Naturum, Abisko, 2023–24, Week of Sound, Brussels, 2024
- Soundtent Abisko, Participative activity, Sound Tent Reveil 2024
Link to stream
- Silence of the Arctic, Performance, Week of Sound, Flagey, Brussels, 2024
Press: Silence of the Arctic (SE, BE) – VRT – 28 January 2024
Link to article
Nikki, L
- Nikki Lindt, Sight and Sounds; The Arctic Travel Sketches, COP29 Resilience Hub NYC
Climate Week, Triangle Lofts, NYC
- The Weight of Words Forming in the Mouth, curated by Sarah Valeri, 20 Jay Street New
YOrk Studio School Gallery, Dumbo, New York City
- Shifting Horizons, Benjamin Dineen and Dennis Hull Gallery, curated by Laurie
Riccadonna, Jersey City, New Jersey
- Arctic Story Worlds, Siggerud Galleri, Bodo Norway, as a part of exhibition curated by
Olga Zaslavskaya, Vera Kuklina and Tatiana Degai
- Intervals, Robischon Gallery, Denver
The Underground Sound Project- the Arctic, Washington University, curated by Olga
Zaslavskaya and Vera Kuklina, Washington DC
Conferences and presentations
Kerski-Korsu, M
- Walks in the Steam of Cryosphere, Earth Gazes back seminar, More-than-Planet, Oulu Finland
- Ritualisation, Participatory Performance and Beyond in Polycrisis, Politics of Machine – POM 2024, Lifelikeness & Beyond, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
- Transcending Boundaries: an evening of art-science, Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center Impact Week, Climate and Death, Cultural Centre Sofia/Tekstintalo, Helsinki, Finland
Nikki, L
- Artist talk and seminar at University of Alaska Fairbanks. Followed by a Artist led
soundwalk, 2024
- Artist talk at Pratt Institute, this talk was part of the Civic Engagement Series organized by Mary Mattingly and Pratt Institute, 2024
Nikki, L
- Financial Times Magazine October 28, 2023
'Nikki Lindt wants you to listen to the sound of the planet melting'
- About Art Online (Italian Arts and Humanities Magazine) October 2023
'Finite Art; Soil and Water, Resources on the Edge'
- City Lore: Sense & the City Blog by Caitlin Van Dusen Sept 2023
'SOUND: Nikki Lindt’s Underground Sounds'
- Cuyahoga Valley National Park Conservancy Newspaper by Kelly McGreal July 2023
'The Art of Listening: An Interview with Nikki Lindt'
- Portland Press Herald by Dina Mendros February 2023
’UNE welcomes renowned artist Nikki Lindt as annual Connections Lecture speaker’
Kerski-Korsu, M
- Permafrost Bathing, Akee Space for Culture, Lithuania, 2023.
- Walking with Permafrost, Walking is Still Honest Symposium, SODAS 2123, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2023.
Joost, V.D.
- Early Voices, Installation on metro platforms in Brussels, Belgium, 2023
- Installation: Lean on Me, Plaisirs d’été Festival, Brussels, Belgium, 2023
- Press: Early Voices (BE) – Brussels Times – “Birdsong to play on Brussels train platforms” – Monday, 30 January 2023
- Smart Forests Atlas, Jennifer Gabrys, Bergen, Norway, 2023Phenology: Science, Technology, and Art – Listening to Phenology
Nikki, L
- Finite Art; Natural Resources on the Edge, United Nations Atrium, Rome, curated by
Giusy Emiliano in partnership with FAO and agency of the United Nations in Rome
- The Multi-Sensory Urban Forest Many Ways of Knowing, Sensing and Caring. Martin
Luther King Jr. Library, With Mary Mattingly, Krystal C. Mack and Matthew
Lopez-Jensen, Washington DC
- Changing Perspectives, Naturum Abisko, Abisko, Sweden
- Volume Up, The Painting Center, curated by Monica King, New York City
- Bay Ridge Through an Ecological Lens, Stand4 Gallery, curated by Jennifer McGregor,
- Artists and Scientists in the Arctic, The University of Vienna, Austria. Part of the annual
Arctic Science Summit Week
Kerski-Korsu, M
- Steam Bathing with Permafrost Ancestors: A Case Study of a Participatory Performance in Cryospheric Polycrisis, VIII Art of Research Conference, Aalto Universty, Espoo, Finland, 2023.
- Walking with Permafrost, Walking is still honest*: About being and moving together Symposium, SODAS 2123, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2023.
- How to Entangle with Time-traveling Invaders: Walking with Microbial Communities of Permafrost, RE:SOURCE - The 10th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Venice, Italy, 2023.
- From Alpacas to Arctic Microbes: Intuitive Interspecies Communication within Artistic Practice, International Multispecies Methods Research Symposium: Intuitive Interspecies Communication, online, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 2023
- Building (S)kinship in the Steam Bath – Sauna Becoming in Two Case Studies (with D. Lamminmäki), Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society: Relations and beyond, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2023.
Nikki, L
- Artist talk followed by soundwalk at Pratt Institute This talk was part of the Civic
Engagement Series organized by Mary Mattingly and Pratt Institute in the winter of
- Honoree and guest speaker and presenter for College of Arts and Sciences Core
Connection Lecture Series for 2023, University of New England.
- Speaker and workshop at World Forum on Urban Forests Side Event, ‘The
Multi-sensory Urban Forest; Many Ways of Knowing and Caring’, Martin Luther King Jr.
Memorial Library. Other 3 speakers are Mary Mattingly, Krystal Mack and Matthew
- Speaker and panelist for Breakfast talk at the Brooklyn Waterfront Research
Center: Other speakers are curator Jennifer McGregor, Stand4 Gallery owner Jeannine
Bardo and fellow artist Kate Dodd. May 2023
Kerski-Korsu, M
- Sensing the Polycrisis: Artistic Approach to Walking as Ritualisation, Journal of Finnish Anthropological Society, 2024 (In press).
Kerski-Korsu, M
- Walking with Permafrost, Transformation: Symposium of Artistic Research, Luleå, Sweden, 2022
Kerski-Korsu, M
- Walking as Artistic Research, Balkan and Baltic States in United Europe: History, Religion, and Culture V, Tartu, Estonia, 2022
- Walking with Permafrost, Transformation Symposium, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, 2022
Nikki, L
- Speaker and panelist hosted by Ecoartspace: Other speakers are curator Jennifer
McGregor, Stand4 Gallery owner Jeannine Bardo and fellow artist Christopher Lin. May